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Sales Potential |
The goal of this assessment is to identify people who are socially aggressive, exhibit
a take-charge attitude where they like to influence others, and have the confidence to deal
with others when there is social ambiguity and the possibility of rejection. They are usually
achievement oriented, feel responsible for their own successes and are often socially demonstrative
about their successes (e.g., display the trappings of success which is related to ego needs as
they seek the success image). They are not reliant upon others for direction, support or motivation
but are more internally driven. Often their strong social skills are secondary to their desire to
influence others and sell their product. They are independent (need little external structure) and
have less need to join organizations (i.e., entrepreneurial) or work on teams. This is different from CUSTOMER SERVICE where they exhibit a strong motivation to help others and
meet the needs of CUSTOMERS as they define them. Salespeople drive from their PRODUCT (opposed to
stated customer needs) and assume that a shopper or client may/may not have an interest in any
particular item (making a purchase at that time) but your goal is to help identify their unstated
needs and make a sale. The assumption is that if a person is shopping, they are probably interested
in purchasing (rather than just looking) so the goal is to meet those expectations even if the
customer is indecisive. |
Sales Potential Definitions
1. Assertion |
People who are assertive are more willing to stand up for their views and are not afraid to
overtly deal with conflict. This scale is a continuum that runs from passive (active
avoidance of conflict) to aggressive (potential ?reator? of conflict). Salespeople do not
want to create conflict but must not be afraid to deal with objections, indecisiveness or
even criticism.
2. Confidence |
Those who score high on this scale cannot be shaken in either their confidence (e.g.,
by rejection) or in the product they represent. They feel confident in their own
abilities that they can discern a potential need, show the product benefits, counter
the objections and close the sale.
3. Achievement |
The primary goal in sales is not to develop relationships but to identify a potential
selling opportunity and either move on or achieve results. Therefore, a good sales candidate
is less driven by relationships (e.g., customer service) and more by achieving results,
i.e. making sales and making money.
4. Initiative/Risk-Taking |
Sales is not where you wait for something to happen but you take charge of the situation
and make it happen. You must have the initiative to step up to a potential opportunity
and define a positive outcome. Additionally, since a ?ale?may not be the customer?
stated agenda, there is an element of risk/rejection that you must feel at ease dealing with.
5. Independence |
Successful salespeople know that sales situations are unique and there are many types of
customers and situations. You must be capable of providing your own structure, not be
afraid of doing it on your own, and you must have the fortitude and confidence to deal
with a lack of social structure.
6. Egoist Dynamic |
Someone who scores high on this scale is driven by their confidence because their
self-esteem is based on their ability to do something well. They want to be the best at
whatever they do and take great personal pride in their success. They are not casual in
accepting a mediocre performance but push to personally excel. They are competitive and
like to be a winner. They identify with their successes as this often defines who they
are (e.g., a very successful salesperson).
7. Leader Dynamic |
This person is very motivated by taking control of a social situation and not necessarily
by helping others. Their goal is to take charge and achieve their agenda. This does not
suggest they are socially offensive but the driver is not for the customer to define the
setting but rather to get the customer to make a purchase.
8. Anchor Cherry Picking (ACp) |
Some people use extreme scores creating a True/ False test which may not invalidate it.
However, with a HIGH overall score (>85%) and an ACP score is > 80%, they may be
"Cherry-picking" answers that may not reflect their real style.
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