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Work Ethic - Integrity |
As the employer, you know your business best, including what makes a successful employee.
You are best qualified to select the assessment(s) that fulfill(s) your needs.
Many companies use a 40 year old standard personality test and try to gear it to every situation.
It may be a good test but it CANNOT provide specific guidance to each of the varied behavior tasks you may face.
TraitSetTM was designed from the ground up. Rather than the historical general personality test that attempts to determine everything,
we have developed focused BEHAVIOR assessments that measure a variety of specific traits that may be critical to your business.
From this palette, you, the employer, can choose what best suits your needs.
Work Ethic - Integrity Definitions
1. Withholding |
This is really a Bias scale" that measures a person's tendency to give reasonable
or realistic responses versus a "distorted" response. High scores suggest a person
may be withholding data about him/herself and may be exaggerating the positive aspects
(socially desirable) of their behavior. Low scores can indicate a self-critical approach.
Hence, high and low scores cause one to interpret the data either up or down.
2. Conscientious |
Focusing on your job is important but some people are so focused and conscientious that
they become perfectionists and drive other people crazy. Hence, this can be good and bad.
Commitment to one's work is important for success but "too great a focus" can lead to
perfectionist tendencies. That is, you work hard but cannot accomplish a reasonable amount
of work because your style "forces you to do every task" in a near perfect fashion.
3. Achievement |
People who are achievement oriented usually are better performers. They are serious about
their work and "drive themselves" to achieve and do well. However, there is also a downside
where they can be so achievement oriented that they run over others, cannot work in teams and
make the lives of others difficult (e.g., destructively competitive). In addition, some
people "pull out all the stops" to achieve their goals and may take advantage of others,
cut corners for faster results or even "bend the truth" in an effort to look impressive
to their superiors.
4. Organized |
This is another trait that is positive in moderate amounts but potentially negative
when carried to extremes. Compulsive people are organized, usually like structure
and/or rules, strive to make their work efficient and seek a personal sense of control
in their activities.
5. Manipulative |
This is a continuum running from forthright and too blunt to clever and potentially
manipulative. A moderate score is good but this depends on the position and culture.
Greater bluntness can be truthfulness but can also be crass. Lesser bluntness can be
political sensitivity but also greater "looking out for one's own needs." This variable
can influence the appearance of work ethic (e.g., Lows may be too naive. Moderate is okay.
Highs may be too deceitful/clever).
6. Integrity |
Integrity implies trust but it can also work as a "brake on achievement" where a person
who wants to get ahead and beat out the competition "slows down" because he/she feels
that it is important to do it in an ethical and reasonable fashion. Ultimately, a superior
has to count on not only a subordinate doing the job but also doing the job well and
using good judgment. The person with integrity knows how to compromise the sheer volume
of work with a quality and ethical job.
7. Work Ethic |
A Sense of duty where one takes his/her responsibilities and commitments seriously as
opposed to a more casual approach where, "I'll do what I can but when my shift is over,
I am out of here." People with a strong work ethic (may be ambitious or not) take their
job seriously and find it difficult to work in a more casual or informal ("when I get to it")
8. Anchor Cherry Picking (ACp) |
Some people use extreme scores creating a True/ False test which may not invalidate it.
However, with a HIGH overall score (>85%) and an ACP score is > 80%, they may be
"Cherry-picking" answers that may not reflect their real style.
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